Winnie's Musings

Visual records of my opinions, speculations, and epiphanies, or whatever has caught my fancy at the moment.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I'm going on a blog break

It's the last two weeks of the first semester and this means madness for teachers like me. It'll be a mad rush towards meeting the deadlines for both work and grad school so I'm going on an indefinite break until I'm able to encode the grades on or before the 18th of October. ...Or at least until I'm able to get stay away from blogging, that is. E-he-he!

I'll be going to bed now. Had a splitting headache this evening after I went over the theoretical frameworks of my advisees this afternoon.

Good night all.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Rethinking my life

I've just been reading Scott Mc Cloud's Understanding Comics and came across so much material for my textual analysis module for Aesthetics. Books are truly my oracle. Now the web has joined that rank as well. I fould planet ZARK as I was exploring Soul Food Cafe.

So where's the rethinking part coming in? Right. Hmm, I'm continually contemplating and wondering, in bewildering alternate sequences, the following questions:

What the hell am I doing?
What am I doing trying to affect change in other people's life when its my
lives that needs drastic changes?
Moving out of that house and into your own just doesn't seem to be
enough anymore. You know that by now. So what'll you do now?

Hmm. I've been on line for longer than I should. Right. I'm getting back to work. More later.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

What's in a name?

Try this. It's interesting, to say the least. It's alarmingly close but it would be interesting to know how others fare in this name analysis.

Found some interesting blogs. Not all 24 year olds seem to be caught up in themselves like they seem on the surface. Some of them are really concerned about the world and the planet. Here's affirming life will not completely eat away at their zeal and idealism, and so it is.

I spent most of my Saturday afternoon scanning images from the Griffin & Sabine Book 1 and Private 2nd Class. I thought they'd make fine examples of the creative and narrative possibilities of visual journaling. I really need to get a new computer system soon. I can't keep spending whole days just on scanning images. Everything seems to take forever to accomplish.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

New Bugs & Critters

Whew! It's been a tiring week. The weekend was quite fruitfull though. Here are some of the new wire works bugs.

This is is Mookie. I'll upload the rest this weekend in my recent works site.

This is Mukito.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Blogging Vortex & Litanies

Whew! I've just been checking all my blogs, 8 was my last count. I'm beginning to understand what Natalie and Heather was talking about when they said blogging is addictive.

I just discovered this blog with a zeitgeist page on it. I thought it interesting as it's one of the concepts I teach in Art History.

Its been a really tiresome day. I was explaining art theories to students who have no adquate knowledge of art history. How does one explain or discuss textual analysis to students who doesn't know the history of modernism, post modernism?

So I ended up digressing and discussed a little about Dadaism, Avant Garde' movement while struggling to stay within the topic I first embarked to discuss for the day, textual analysis. Sigh!

I wish I could just show them an AVP on subject matters they have not studied or learned from art history and just leave it at that. I find myself re-inventing the pre-destined lesson plan for the week just to cope with the students' lack of art history and art appreciation background. It's trully draining.

Anyway,I'll have to try and cope with it all and make up for all the digressions next semester when we continue where we left off. Where's the coffee beans? I need to be brewing about a gallon of coffee to accomplish this. I'm falling asleep... More tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have the jpgs of the new wirework bugs I made during the weekend by then and I'll be able to upload it here. I'm getting them photographed tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Journal Pages: Healing Process In Progress

Here are scans of "Healing Process In Progress" pages.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Back from what seemed like a long hiatus...

I didn't realize I've been away from the nether world for a week now. My in box was ladened with almost 900 emails. Who can believe that! I really ought to get started in using my gmail account, if I can find the details of it, that is. A-ha-ha!

Meanwhile I've made progress on my Imagineering comics flyer. I've only to scan them and add the dialogue baloons. Woo-hoo!

Meanwhile I'm off to visit Natalie's new gabriel updates and neil's blog.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Update on my quest

I just came from my first imagineering workshop, "Visual Journaling: Rediscovering your creative soul." I designed these workshop to fulfill my mission of helping people rediscover their creative soul and although there was only two participants I feel closer to achieving my set goal.

The participants were high school home economics teachers. How fabulous! People who'll pass on what they learn to there students and colleagues. I gift that gives on giving. Hmm, pardon the cliche'. E-he-he!

They were able to make three pages in their visual journal: "Self portrait", "Map of my Destiny" and "Emotional Archeology: how I feel about Betrayal, Forgiveness, Love and Passion."

I wish I'd taken pictures of their pages but being a journal entrees they are private and they are not mine to share. I'll upload mine instead later this week. I'm still in the process of finishing one on "Betrayal."

More later.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Book Fair OD

Whew! I just came from he book fair last Wednesday afternoon. I went crazy and purchased more books than I can afford. I may be eating grass for the next two weeks. Yay!

I am currently reading the V for vendetta of Alan Moore. I like what he's doing about what's been happening to London during the time that G Novel was in progress. I also like what he's doing with issues of gender in Promethea. I could probably write an article about the seminal nature of his works or it's spin on mythology and I probably will after I've read what I've purchased from he book fair (V for vendetta and Watchmen). That is after I finally finished the two papers due by the end of this semester.

Soon I wont be mentioning that in future tense anymore. That would be the day to celebrate.

Meanwhile I'm off to finish the Imagineering Visual Journaling 101 AVP for tomorrow.