Winnie's Musings

Visual records of my opinions, speculations, and epiphanies, or whatever has caught my fancy at the moment.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Tiresome week


This has been a tiresome week. I feel like life is draining out of me. I suddenly feel like my feet are leadened and my eyelids are made of bricks.

When I'm at school though, I come alive. Then I go home and all I want to do is stay in bed to read and sleep. Haven't felt like this in ages.

My next post will not be so gloomy but...

I'm falling asleep on the keyboard. Off I go. My bed calls to me. Zzzzzz.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Getting over the holiday euphoria

Whew! The holidays are over and back to the grinding wheel I go.

I spent 9 hours going through the thesis paraphernalia of 11 thesis advisees. I'm spent. I still have three more students to meet tomorrow. Sigh! It's gonna be a long day.

I'm bringing my lap top to the shop tomorrow for a minor repair. Hopefully, I'll be able to pick it up the same day so I can use it to catch up on my back logs.

I'm happily stress free emotionally today despite the hectic work load. Its funny how my resolve to start anew has been renewed after I've caught up with old friends. I received emails from old friends whom I have not heard from in a long time. I just realized I've missed them.

I'm not big on missing people. People come and go in my life and I'm used to it. I'm grateful for time spent with friends but I find I'm no longer emotionally attached to them. However, I'm always happy to see them again or renew ties when the opportunity comes up.

I probably wouldn't have said this ten years ago. This emotional independence is quite new to me. I always need to ask the opinion of close friends before I decide anything and I usually cannot decide on my own without running it by friends first. I realized I've learned to keep my own company.

Now when friends come by to visit I seem to be able to enjoy their company better. I used to crave their company but now that I don't, I enjoy it better when they visit. Does that make any sense?

Anyway, off to bed I go. I'm in need of a good night's sleep. I have tons of visual journals to grade and piles of thesis paraphernalia to check tomorrow.

Good night dear void. I hope your silence signifies more than solitude.