Winnie's Musings

Visual records of my opinions, speculations, and epiphanies, or whatever has caught my fancy at the moment.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Rethinking my life

I've just been reading Scott Mc Cloud's Understanding Comics and came across so much material for my textual analysis module for Aesthetics. Books are truly my oracle. Now the web has joined that rank as well. I fould planet ZARK as I was exploring Soul Food Cafe.

So where's the rethinking part coming in? Right. Hmm, I'm continually contemplating and wondering, in bewildering alternate sequences, the following questions:

What the hell am I doing?
What am I doing trying to affect change in other people's life when its my
lives that needs drastic changes?
Moving out of that house and into your own just doesn't seem to be
enough anymore. You know that by now. So what'll you do now?

Hmm. I've been on line for longer than I should. Right. I'm getting back to work. More later.


Blogger sirbarrett said...

The guide to comics changed the way I read them, or at least it made my reading process more conscious. I liked how he went into the history of comics, citing their relation to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Sounds like you're hard at work but you can still vent. I have similar questions as you about my life.

11/03/2005 09:21:00 a.m.  

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