Winnie's Musings

Visual records of my opinions, speculations, and epiphanies, or whatever has caught my fancy at the moment.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Coming home again.

I got home from the hopsital 10 days ago. I actually tried to blog the very day I got home but blogger is in one of its spritz mood.

My plants have recovered from days of not being watered but my body had not recovered from the trauma of surgery.

3 days ago I went to the doctor for a post-op check up. I went walking to my place of work and sat and chat with collegues while I waited for the rain to stop. I went to the pharmacy to buy the new prescription on the way home.

I thought I was doing fine until I got home and started to feel achy and tired. So I went to bed and rested. The following morning I still felt tired and achy. When I cleaned and change the dressing on the wound, two of the spaces between sutures was agape and there was blood in the gauze. The doctor said this is normal because the subcutaneous layer of fat in that area was quite thick. Here we go again with the fat cause.

I'm not in denial about my heft but I'm not particularly keen on hearing my current primary health provider say that that's the reason why some spots on my wound are healing less rapidly than the rest of it even though its true. To my current doctor's credit she atleast did not smurk when she told be this. Call me sensitive or whatever else kind of label your can come up with but its not something I would like to hear at the moment when I'm vulnerable because I saw two gaping holes in the surgical wound on my stomach.

I'm venting yes. Its quite frustrating not being able to sit long enough to accomplish anything besides having a meal. Sitting causes the stomach muscles to contract and that's where the vertical wound is.

So before more complications arise. I'm hitting the publish button and will post when it doesn't entail much medical complications.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Winnie, thanks for your encouraging comments on my blog, sorry to hear about the op. hope you that you'll be on the road to recovery soon.

5/27/2006 05:41:00 a.m.  
Blogger Darius said...

I'm thinking: focus on healing and the life you're getting back. I'm in my thirteenth year of a progressive, incurable illness.

Most people heal. Chances are you will!

Best wishes -

5/27/2006 06:52:00 a.m.  
Blogger wrr said...

Thanks for your words of encouragement. Its nice to be acknowledged in this seemingly big void that is cyberspace. LOL!

Your welcome, Hazz. I did enjoy your cacti catalogue.

Sorry to hear about your illness, Darius.

Here's affirming your healing, fulfillment, and radiance, and so it is.

5/28/2006 11:13:00 a.m.  

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