Winnie's Musings

Visual records of my opinions, speculations, and epiphanies, or whatever has caught my fancy at the moment.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Another one of my multiple comebacks

Hmm, it seems like I've been posting comebacks too often. I figured blogging ought to be forgiving if its going to be the effective creative medium that I believed it to be.

Anyway, I've just begun to strategize. I'm getting over the fact that I have 4 work free days as my teaching sched is not down to 3 days a week. Woohoo! Intentions really do shape one's experience. Thanks to Oprha for introducing me to that Gary Zukav concept.

I can actually go back to more creative work this semester. I've resigned myself to the fact that I can't make up for lost time as far as my grad school deadlines are concerned. I'm dealing with it all this coming summer break. Here's affirming AS240 & AS255 is avaialble this summer.

Meawhile I can finally pick up where I left off on my commission work. My apologies to Fatima and Alberth. I'm working on Delirum & Desire this weekend.

I think its time to make another dragon. I think I'll try to make a bigger one this time.

Okay, I gotta get off my ass and start sleeping if I'm gonna be doing any of this stuff I've decided to do this weekend. It's past 1 AM. Right. To bed I go.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Getting back from hiatus and into the void

Whew! The semester break's almost over. Regrets begin to ensue. I still feel like I'm talking to the void when I post here. No matter, it's the process that counts.

Seems like I spent the whole time trying not to do nothing. I ended up scrambling for the last morsel of time to do what I really want to instead of what I ought to.

Hmm, I must not be making much sense eh? pardon the babling. I'm in a state of delirium at the moment. I wonder if I'll grow multi-colored hair like the Sandman's sister. E-he-he!

More later when I've managed to document what I've been up to this past few days. I'm hitting the hay for now. It's past midnight in my end of the planet.

>>Yawn.<< Good night dear void.